Imagine you’re on a committee at work focused on operating efficiency and safety in real time, but the leaders of the committee change every couple of minutes ...
Once again, you’ve nailed it Rick! You’ve illuminated a situation that confronts paceline leaders on nearly every ride. Will be sharing this one for sure!
The leader, whomever it is at the time, makes the group’s call—decorum.
I say never second guess a call out of precaution.
Even when I’m riding solo (okay, that’s most of the time), that dumbassed light is a KillZone.
By the looks of the video, no right solution, but everybody made it home safe. That’s a good ride.
That intersection will get even more interesting when it becomes a roundabout. It should be a better solution once everyone gets used to it.
I love reading your posts and perspectives. Great read! Keep them coming.
Once again, you’ve nailed it Rick! You’ve illuminated a situation that confronts paceline leaders on nearly every ride. Will be sharing this one for sure!